This October, the $100,000 Challenge returns–and we need your help! The Challenge is an annual fundraiser initiative supported by credit unions, their members, and people from across Maine with a goal of raising $100,000 in just one month for the Campaign for Ending Hunger. Funds raised for the Campaign stay in Maine, uplifting hungry Mainers by benefitting Good Shepherd Food Bank, community food pantries, meal sites across the state, and other hunger relief organizations.
As part of the initiative, 25% of the funds raised online during the month of October will directly benefit Good Shepherd Food Bank–the largest hunger relief organization in Maine. In addition, a portion of the proceeds raised will also be directed to fund a new pilot backpack program for Special Olympics Maine. This innovative initiative will help meet the needs of Special Olympics athletes who are facing food insecurity while also providing them an opportunity to give back to their communities.
Thank you to our many Challenge contributors. We are proud to have your name and support outlined below.